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Available From UC Press
Nez Perce Dictionary
In this dictionary of the Nez Perce language, linguist Haruo Aoki illustrates how each word is used by citing examples from published Nez Perce oral literature. In addition, Aoki retranscribes and incorporates words from earlier publications that are recognized by today's Nez Perce speakers. The dictionary includes an English-Nez Perce index, appendixes listing phonosymbolic words and Nez Perce animal and plant names, and illustrations from Nez Perce life. Originally published in 1994, the Nez Perce Dictionary continues to be a reference and resource for new generations of speakers and scholars.
Haruo Aoki (1930–2022) was Professor of East Asian Languages and Literature at University of California, Berkeley. He was a linguist and Nez Perce scholar.