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Q&A with Matthew Morrison, author of Blacksound

Blacksound explores the sonic history of blackface minstrelsy (the first original form of American popular music) and the racial foundations of American musical culture from the early 1800s through the turn of the twentieth century. With this namesake book, Matthew D. Morrison develops the concept o
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Podcasts and Popular Music

A conversation with Morgan Bimm, Kate Galloway, and Amy Skjerseth, Guest Editors of the Journal of Popular Music Studies Special Issue “Recast, Podcast, Broadcast: Podcasting Popular Music”Morgan BimmKate Galloway Amy SkjersethJPMS's current issue is devoted to a discussion of podc
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How a Slave Trader’s Hymn Became a Global Anthem

By James Walvin, author of Amazing Grace: A Cultural History of the Beloved HymnIt may seem odd for a historian of slavery to write a history of a popular hymn. In fact, the link between “Amazing Grace” and slavery is clear and fairly obvious: the author of “Amazing Grace,” John Newton, had bee
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Open Access Titles

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How Hip Hop Became Hit Pop: Radio, Rap, and Race

by Amy Coddington (Author)
Jul 2024
Open Access
Open Access
Open Access

Sounding the Indian Ocean: Musical Circulations in the Afro-Asiatic Seascape

by Jim Sykes (Author), Julia Suzanne Byl (Author)
Aug 2023
Open Access

Middlebrow Modernism: Britten’s Operas and the Great Divide

by Christopher Chowrimootoo (Author)
Oct 2018
Open Access