Fletcher Jones Foundation Imprint in Humanities

The Fletcher Jones Foundation has endowed this imprint to foster innovative and enduring scholarship in the humanities, with books ranging in subject matter from philosophy, history and religion to art, literature and language.
64 Results
The Poetry of Being and the Prose of the World in Early Greek Philosophy
by Victoria Wohl (Author)Aug 2025Open AccessWays of Eating: Exploring Food through History and Culture
by Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft (Author), Merry White (Author)Apr 2025Transnational Cinema Solidarity: Chilean Exile Film and Video after 1973
by José Miguel Palacios (Author)Apr 2025Political Moods: Film Melodrama and the Cold War in the Two Koreas
by Travis Workman (Author)Jul 2024Open AccessBeing Christian in Vandal Africa: The Politics of Orthodoxy in the Post-Imperial West
by Robin Whelan (Author)May 2024Unhomed: Cycles of Mobility and Placelessness in American Cinema
by Pamela Robertson Wojcik (Author)Apr 2024Sisters in the Mirror: A History of Muslim Women and the Global Politics of Feminism
by Elora Shehabuddin (Author)Mar 2024Walt Whitman and the Civil War: America’s Poet during the Lost Years of 1860-1862
by Ted Genoways (Author)Nov 2023Thinking with an Accent: Toward a New Object, Method, and Practice
by Pooja Rangan (Editor), Akshya Saxena (Editor), and 3 moreFeb 2023Open AccessSpecworld: Folds, Faults, and Fractures in Embedded Creator Industries
by John Thornton Caldwell (Author)Jan 2023Academic Apartheid: Race and the Criminalization of Failure in an American Suburb
by Sean J. Drake (Author)Mar 2022Imperial Resilience: The Great War's End, Ottoman Longevity, and Incidental Nations
by Hasan Kayali (Author)Oct 2021