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University of California Press

California Studies in Music, Sound, and Media

Jim Buhler and Jean Ma, Series Editors

This series offers scholarship on music and sound in film, television, games, music video, advertising, radio, and new media, in order to promote innovative approaches to the theory and history of media. The aim of the series is to take music and sound as a springboard for rethinking key concepts in media studies, for forging connections across media and disciplines, and for building a global, context-specific knowledge of media history. Topics include studies of the integrated soundtrack; audio-visual poetics; industries and practices of music and sound; technologies of sound reproduction and representation; histories and phenomenologies of listening; and voice, corporeality, and affect.

Submission process:
Those interested in submitting to the series should send a proposal, a CV, and a writing sample, preferably from the book project, to Jim Buhler, Jean Ma, or Raina Polivka.

6 Results