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University of California Press

Critical Race Theory

This series promises to break new ground in critical race theory by developing a global, interdisciplinary, multiracial, and accessible series of books that reveal how racial subordination and white supremacy are embedded in US life and law. Examining such arenas as education, housing, voting, economic opportunity, health and reproductive justice, immigration, policing, foreign relations, and more, the series offers concise and cross-cutting tools for scholars, students, and informed racial justice readers. Books will take readers beyond the headlines generated by contemporary cultural panics and deeply probe the myriad ways in which race is the bedrock of law and social structure in the United States. They will underscore the importance of teaching critical race perspectives at a time when lawyers are forced to defend fundamental civil liberties and engage in creative legal reforms to liberate us from the oppression of mass incarceration, police violence, voter suppression, hate crimes, and border militarization, to name just a few of today’s systemic racial injustices.

Sponsored by the Aoki Center for Critical Race and Nation Studies at UC Davis School of Law, the Critical Race Theory Series will be edited by Aoki Center codirectors Professor Raquel E. Aldana and Dean Kevin R. Johnson, as advised by Center board members and an external advisory board. Books in this series will have the option of publishing open access, and readers around the world will have free access to the ebook edition, or may purchase an affordable paperback. Authors are encouraged to secure a portion of the open access fees prior to publication. For more information about OA, please visit

To submit a proposal, please consult our guidelines and contact the series editors ( and

Series Co-Editors
Raquel Aldana & Kevin R. Johnson, Aoki Center for Race and Nation Studies, UC Davis School of Law

Series Advisory Board
Mario Barnes, Professor of Law, UC Irvine
Rose Cuison-Villazor, Professor of Law and Chancellor's Social Justice Scholar, Rutgers Law School
Angela Harris, Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita, UC Davis
Beth Rose Middleton, Professor and Designated Emphasis Chair, UC Davis (Native American Studies)
Solangel Maldonado, Eleanor Bontecou Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development, Seton Hall
Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Ryan Roth Gallo and Ernest J. Gallo Dean and Professor of Law, Boston University
Mary Romero, Professor of Justice Studies and Social Inquiry Emerita, Arizona State (Justice Studies and Social Inquiry)
Wadie Said, Professor of Law and Dean’s Faculty Fellow, University of Colorado


