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University of California Press

Studies on Latin American Art and Latinx Art

Alexander Alberro, Series Co-Editor |  Jennifer A. González, Series Co-Editor

International and cosmopolitan in scope, Studies on Latin American and Latinx Art seeks to address the production, exhibition, and dissemination of art in and between countries and continents, and broaden the public for exciting new scholarship on the area. Titles in English and translations of exceptional studies that focus on Latin American and Latinx art will be featured. Topics include art history, exhibition history, investigations of the relation between the art and social context of specific nations, comparative analyses of different cultural traditions and milieus, in-depth monographic examinations of important artists or artistic collectives, and interdisciplinary works that bridge the fields of art history, media studies, architecture, literature, film, anthropology, and cultural criticism. 

Submission process:

Those interested in submitting to the series should send a proposal, a CV, and a writing sample, preferably from the book project, to Alexander Alberro, Jennifer A. González, and LeKeisha Hughes.

The Studies on Latin American and Latinx Art series is made possible through the generous support of the Institute for Studies on Latin American Art. The publisher and the University of California Press Foundation gratefully acknowledges ISLAA and its work expanding scholarship and public engagement with art from Latin America.