Join University of California, Irvine Chancellor’s Professor Michele Goodwin, the Senior and Founding Editor of Sex, Society, & The Law In The 21st Century (University of California Press) as she leads an intimate workshop on how to bring your manuscript to press. This workshop has limited seating and is especially geared toward newer voices interested in expanding their writing portfolios or moving their published articles, dissertations and theses into the broader academic market. The workshop will include advising on crafting the prospectus, sample chapters, and courting publishers. The session is hosted at Harvard University’s Petrie Flom Center on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 from 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Professor Goodwin will also host private, one on one conversations with authors interested in pitching ideas for the series from 10am-1pm on August 21, 2019. For a private meeting, please contact Brittany Taylor at: and register before August 16, 2019. Attendance is free; please register here.

About the series:

Sex, Society, & The Law in the 21st Century provides a rich account of the high stakes associated with sex in the 21st century. The series forges beyond social taboos to offer meaningful and engaging social and legal analyses on matters at the forefront of civil liberties and civil rights discourses related to sex.

The books in this series address the legal and social multiplicities of sex—as a reference to people; as a descriptor of sexual activity, and as a complex demarcation of identity. Its authors will draw upon diverse approaches to law (and society) to rethink how and under what circumstances the law polices sex, protects sexual status, or remedies harms based on sex and to illuminate law’s inconsistencies, preferences, and failures. Grounding its work along the axes of social justice, engaging class, race, gender, religion, human rights and international law, and of course, sex, this series seeks to excavate untold stories and elevate those that deserve greater social attention and legal recognition.

The monographs sought for this series will engage multiple, diverse audiences. This includes academics in law, sociology, gender studies, critical race studies, politics and a range of intersecting disciplines. Equally, the series should be attractive to lay audiences and policy-oriented thinkers, bringing a meaningful socio-legal discourse to an intellectually curious readership.