University of California Press (UC Press) will begin publishing Communist and Post-Communist Studies in 2020.

UC Press is currently seeking applicants for the position of Editor of Communist and Post-Communist Studies.

Currently in its 52nd year, Communist and Post-Communist Studies is an academic, international, and interdisciplinary refereed journal covering all communist and post-communist states and communist movements, including both their domestic policies and their international relations. It is focused on the analysis of historical as well as current developments in the communist and post-communist world, including ideology, economy and society. It also aims to provide comparative foci on a given subject (e.g. education in China) by inviting comments of a comparative character from scholars specializing in the same subject matter but in different countries (e.g. education in Poland or Romania).

Communist and Post-Communist Studies currently enjoys an Impact Factor of 1.351 and a CiteScore of 1.4.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D in Political Science or related fields and have a distinguished scholarly record. Journal editorial experience is preferred but not required. Applicants should possess strong organizational and management skills, the ability to work with others, and a commitment to the journal’s mission to publish high-quality, relevant, and engaging scholarship.

Primary responsibilities of the Editor include:

  • Developing and implementing a strategic editorial vision and goals for the journal
  • Appointing editorial board members and identifying appropriate peer reviewers
  • Making final decisions on manuscripts
  • Ensuring smooth editorial workflows and processes
  • Working collaboratively with journal stakeholders on journal promotion and content solicitation

UC Press endeavors to have the new Editor appointed and in place by the end of January 2020.

Applicants should send a letter of application including their vision for the journal, a description of their qualifications for the position, a current CV, and a description of any potential institutional support to:

David Famiano
Journals Publisher
University of California Press

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications by November 11, 2019 although applications may be considered on an ongoing basis.