We are proud to announce the book and journal award winners from the 2019 American Musicological Society annual conference. Please join us in offering warm congratulations to the following authors.


AMS Teaching Award for an exceptional pedagogical resource

Experiencing Latin American Music by Carol A. Hess

“An enormously significant, timely, rigorous, and engaging textbook that empowers students to simultaneously explore a great diversity and wealth of musical practices and genres, study musical concepts and aesthetics, and understand complex socio-political contexts.”—Ruth Hellier-Tinoco, author of Embodying Mexico: Tourism, Nationalism & Performance


Philip Brett Award for outstanding work in gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender/transsexual studies


Alfred Einstein Award for outstanding article in musicology (early stages)

The Gay Divorce of Music and Dance: Choreomusicality and the Early Works of Cage-Cunningham by Daniel M. Callahan, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 71 No. 2, Summer 2018

H. Colin Slim Award for outstanding article in musicology (beyond early stages)

Singing Herself: Adelina Patti and the Performance of Femininity by Roger Freitas, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 71 No. 2, Summer 2018

Current issue of the Journal of the American Musicological Society