How can we effectively combat climate change while grappling with feelings of powerlessness and despair? This is one of the key questions author Sarah Jaquette Ray, professor of environmental studies at Humboldt State University, seeks to answer in her new book, A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Ray joined UC Press Executive Director Tim Sullivan in this virtual conversation to discuss what compelled her to write the book, strategies for climate justice activists to avoid burnout, and why this guide to climate anxiety is more important now than ever.

Ray explains what she learned from over a decade of teaching college environmental studies courses—that her students were passionate about global environmental activism but struggled with anxiety when faced with the dire predictions of climate scientists. This revelation led her to develop an “existential tool kit” for the climate generation—Millennials and Gen Z’ers who are demanding action from policymakers and government leaders—that ultimately became A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety.

Find out how you can take action and stay sane during these challenging times! A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety is now available wherever books are sold, including indie stores currently offering curbside pickup, and websites like