Given the realities of sheltering in place, audiobooks offer an alternative way to access books. UC Press has several titles available in audiobook including Mark Twain’s autobiographies, a lucid text that is both fascinating and remains true to the author’s original idiosyncratic intent, and also Mark Twain’s Helpful Hints for Good Living, an eccentric etiquette guide for the human race. These texts have been meticulously prepared by the editors of The Mark Twain Project and UC Press.

Mark Twain’s Helpful Hints for Good Living
A Handbook for the Damned Human Race

Irreverent, charming, eminently quotable, this handbook contains sixty-nine aphorisms, anecdotes, whimsical suggestions, maxims, and cautionary tales from Mark Twain’s private and published writings.

Audiobook available on and Audible.

Autobiography of Mark Twain cover image

Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 1
The Complete and Authoritative Edition

Mark Twain’s uncensored autobiography presents his authentic and unsuppressed voice, brimming with humor, ideas, and opinions, and speaking clearly from the grave as he intended.

Audiobook available on and Audible.

Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2

Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2
The Complete and Authoritative Edition

Volume 2 delves deeper into Twain’s life, uncovering the many roles he played in his private and public worlds, and shares his views on writing and speaking, his preoccupation with money, and his contempt for the politics and politicians of his day. Affectionate and scathing by turns, his intractable curiosity and candor are everywhere on view.

Audiobook available on and Audible.

Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3
The Complete and Authoritative Edition

This third and final volume crowns and completes his life’s work. Like its companion volumes, it chronicles Twain’s inner and outer life through a series of daily dictations that go wherever his fancy leads.

Audiobook available on and Audible.