New Directions in Palestinian Studies book series, the first of its kind in the United States, solicits rigorous and innovative manuscripts that put Palestinians at the center of knowledge production projects. It accepts proposals from all disciplines in the humanities and the interpretive social sciences, and seeks to make a contribution to decolonizing and globalizing knowledge production about the Palestinians, regardless of geographical location. The series is published through the University of California Press’s open access platform, Luminos. Subject to the same high standards for selection, peer review, production and marketing, books in the series are available as free e-books as well as an affordable paperback edition.

The Editorial Committee of the NDPS book series includes:

  • Beshara Doumani, Brown University—Series Editor
  • Nadia Abu El-Haj, Barnard College and Columbia University
  • Samera Esmeir, University of California, Berkeley
  • Rema Hammami, Birzeit University
  • Rashid Khalidi, Columbia University
  • Sherene Seikaly, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Alex Winder, Brown University—Editorial Assistant

Palestinian Chicago: Identity in Exile, by Loren Lybarger is now available for download or purchase. Books in the pipeline include:

  • Lynn Welchman, Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization
  • Perla Issa’s ethnography of political factions in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon
  • Adel Manna`’s history of the post-1948 Galilee
  • Leila Farsakh’s edited volume on rethinking statehood
  • Issam Nassar, Stephen Sheehi, and Salim Tamari’s visual and historical study of the photographic collection of Wasif Jawhariyye.

The book series welcomes new proposals, which can be mailed to

For any questions, please contact Beshara Doumani and consult the New Directions in Palestinian Studies website.