UC Press is proud to announce the forthcoming publication of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s final book Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue: A Life’s Work Fighting for a More Perfect Union (March 2021), written in collaboration with Berkeley Law Professor Amanda Tyler, one of Justice Ginsburg’s former law clerks. 

The book was in production when Justice Ginsburg died, and in these pages, she tells her life story, in her own words, transcribed from an on-stage conversation with Amanda Tyler, when Ginsburg visited the University of California, Berkeley School of Law in the fall of 2019 to deliver the first annual Herma Hill Kay Memorial Lecture in honor of her friend, the late Herma Hill Kay. In this collection, Ginsburg and Tyler bring together materials—many previously unpublished—that share details from Justice Ginsburg’s life and long career, including notable briefs and oral arguments and some of Ginsburg’s last speeches.

Justice Ginsburg’s ardent wish was that the Herma Hill Kay book, Paving the Way: The First American Women Law Professors (April 2021), be published alongside her own title in new UC Press series, Law in the Public Square. Kay, former Dean of UC Berkeley School of Law and Ginsburg’s close professional colleague, wrote Paving the Way to tell the stories of the first fourteen female law professors at ABA- and AALS-accredited law schools in the United States. Kay, who became the fifteenth such professor, labored over the stories of these women in order to provide an essential history of their path. Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the foreword to this long-awaited and decidedly feminist project.

Learn more about Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue and Paving the Way