Congratulations to Sergio Ospina-Romero and Braxton Shelley, whose articles published in the Journal of the American Musicological Society, have been awarded prizes by the Society for Ethnomusicology.

Sergio Ospina-Romero’s “Ghosts in the Machine and Other Tales around a ‘Marvelous Invention’: Player Pianos in Latin America in the Early Twentieth Century” has been awarded the Klaus P. Wachsmann Prize, which is awarded biennially to recognize a major publication that advances the field of organology through the presentation of new data and by using innovative methods in the study of musical instruments. The prize may be awarded to a monograph, an article, a unified series of articles, or a video/electronic media item.

Braxton Shelley’s “Analyzing Gospel” has been awarded the Jaap Kunst Prize, which annually recognizes the most significant article in ethnomusicology written by members of the Society for Ethnomusicology during the first 10 years of their scholarly career.

In celebration, we are pleased to make both articles free to read online for a limited period of time.