Nova Religio is pleased to announce the winners of the Seventeenth Annual Thomas Robbins Award for Excellence in the Study of New Religious Movements.

The first prize has been awarded to Damon Berry for his article in vol. 23, no. 4 (May 2020), “Voting in the Kingdom: Prophecy Voters, the New Apostolic Reformation, and Christian Support for Trump.” We are pleased to make this article free to read online for a limited time. We also invite you to watch Catherine Wessinger’s interview with Barry on Nova Religio‘s YouTube Channel:

The second prize has been awarded to Amy Hart for her article in vol. 23 no. 2 (November 2019), “‘All is Harmony in that Department’: Religious Expressions within the Fourierist Communal Experiments of the 1840s.” We are pleased to make Hart’s article available to read for free online for a limited time, and invite you to view Benjamin Zeller’s interview with Hart on the journal’s YouTube channel:

View additional interviews with other Nova Religio contributors on YouTube at

The Robbins Award was established in 2002 by the late Thomas Robbins to recognize outstanding articles published in Nova Religio. This year’s prizewinners were selected by board members of the Association for the Academic Study of New Religions from articles appearing in volume 23 of the journal. The journal looks forward to recognizing outstanding contributors to volume 24 next year.

To learn about the life and scholarship of Thomas Robbins, please see the “In Memoriam” published in Nova Religio 19, no. 3.

This post is part of our blog series for the 2020 virtual AAR and SBL conferences. Visit our virtual conference exhibit.