This summer marks the 80th anniversary of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH). As JSAH‘s former editor Keith Eggener noted last summer when commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Society (JSAH 79:2), the Journal has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a few mimeographed pages sent to a handful of readers. Today JSAH and JSAH Online, published quarterly by the University of California Press, stand among the most important and widely cited journals of the history of the built environment—available not only in libraries but also on digital screens around the world.
To commemorate the 80th anniversary, JSAH Editor David Karmon and former editor Keith Eggener invited scholars to review the Journal’s full catalog, going back to its debut in 1941, and to select those articles that they deemed to be of special value in their various areas of expertise. These scholars were then invited to compose short introductions to their selections, explaining why they considered these essays significant, how they opened up new avenues for investigation, or how they shifted the broader discourse in new directions. These short essays, along with links to the archival articles, have been compiled into a special, online-only virtual issue. The wealth of JSAH‘s archive is so large and the response from scholars has been so strong that Karmon and Eggener have compiled enough content to fill two virtual issues. We invite you to read the part one of the anniversary virtual issue for free online now and to look out for part 2, which we plan to publish in coming months.
Read the Special Virtual Issue “80 Years of JSAH” for free online.