The first official event of our FirstGen Program launched on January 21, 2022 and was sponsored by UC Press and the UC Collaborative of Humanities Centers and Institutes.

This webinar was designed to help first-gen scholars learn about the book publishing process. The first section featured a panel discussion with first-gen authors about their experiences with book publishing. UC Press acquisitions editors then presented on key aspects of the publishing process, such as choosing the right publisher; preparing a book proposal; how the peer review and Editorial Committee process works; revising your manuscript; and working with publishers to promote your book. We had an engaged audience and our panelists fielded many questions from attendees during the webinar.

0:00 Welcome and Intros
5:31 First-Gen Author Panel
55:43 UC Press Editor Presentations
1:29:39 Editor Q&A

First-Gen Author Panelists

Long Bui (Moderator), Director, First Gen Faculty Initiative & Associate Professor, Global Studies, UC Irvine
Anita Casavantes Bradford, Professor in Chicano/Latino Studies, UC Irvine
Ma Vang, Associate Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Merced
Mohamed Abumaye, Assistant Professor, Sociology, CSU San Marcos

UC Press Editors

Kim Robinson (Moderator), UC Press Editorial Director
Raina Polivka, Music, Film, Media Studies
Archna Patel, Art History
Kate Marshall, Anthropology, Food Studies
Niels Hooper, History, American Studies, Middle East Studies

Learn more about the UC Press FirstGen Program