As part of our FirstGen Program, we’re working to make the publishing process more transparent by sharing resources for authors on what to expect. Whether you’re a first-gen grad student hoping to publish in the future, or a faculty member currently working on a manuscript, we’ve compiled a list of helpful resources for you. If you’re a faculty mentor, we also encourage you to share this post with mentees and students.

Are there additional book publishing resources you’ve found especially helpful, or that you often share with colleagues? Please send them to us at We’ll continue to expand this list over time.

General Resources on Publishing

On Writing

On First-Gen Scholars

Navigating the Academy

Mentoring, Writing Groups, and Faculty Professional Development

The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity has a range of workshops, courses, and other resources for faculty. Check if you already have access through your institution, or sign-up for a paid personal account.