The 77th annual conference of the Society of Architectural Historians is being held in Albuquerque, New Mexico from April 17-21, 2024. In light of the conference’s location, we have temporarily removed the paywall from a selection of articles and reviews from the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians that explore southwestern architectural history. We trust that these essays will interest conference attendees, as well as those who have a general interest in the architecture of the region.

For those of you in Albuquerque, we encourage you to consider joining one or more of the excellent architectural tours that SAH is offering during the conference. Tours are open to the general public, as well as to conference attendees. For more information and to sign up, please visit

We also invite conference attendees to meet JSAH’s editorial team for an open Q&A forum:
Publishing in JSAH
Friday April 19 from 1:30-2:30 PM
Laguna, Lower Level 020

Selected Articles from JSAH on Southwestern US Architecture/Architectural History

Restoration, Reconstruction, or Romance? The Case of the Spanish Governor’s Palace in Hispanic-Era San Antonio, Texas
Kenneth Hafertepe
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2008) 67 (3): 412–433.

Making New Connections in Vernacular Architecture
Paul Groth
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (1999) 58 (3): 444–451.

Texas Gothic, French Accent: The Architecture of the Roman Catholic Church in Antebellum Texas
Richard Cleary
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2007) 66 (1): 60–83.

Selected Reviews from JSAH on Southwestern US Architecture/Architectural History

Review: Voices of Counterculture in the Southwest, edited by Jack Loeffler and Meredith Davidson, Irwin Klein and the New Settlers: Photographs of Counterculture in New Mexico, edited by Benjamin Klein
Greg Castillo
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2018) 77 (1): 105–108.

Review: An Architectural Guidebook to the National Parks: California, Oregon, Washington by Harvey H. Kaiser; An Architectural Guidebook to the National Parks: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas by Harvey H. Kaiser
Alison K. Hoagland
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2004) 63 (3): 402–404.

Review: Mastering Tradition: The Residential Architecture of John Russell Pope, by James B. Garrison and Steven McLeod Bedford and Facing Southwest: The Life and Houses of John Gaw Meem, by Chris Wilson and Robert Reck
Victoria Solan
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2007) 66 (3): 403–405.

Review: Air-Conditioning in Modern American Architecture, 1890–1970
Chandler Mccoy
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2022) 81 (4): 523–525.

Review: Mary Jane Colter: The Desert View (Videotape) by Jennifer Lee; Mary Jane Colter: House Made of Dawn (Videotape) by Karen A. Bartlett
Linda Hart
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2000) 59 (1): 132–134.

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