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University of California Press

UC Press Blog

3 Results

Q&A with Jade Sasser, author of Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question

Apr 03 2024
Eco-anxiety. Climate guilt. Pre-traumatic stress disorder. Solastalgia. The study of environmental emotions and related mental health impacts is a rapidly growing field, but most researchers overlook a closely related concern: reproductive anxiety. Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question is the first c
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The “Inner Revolution” Happening in China Today

Mar 08 2021
By Li Zhang, author of Anxious China: Inner Revolution and Politics of PsychotherapyThis guest post is part of our #AAS2021 conference series. Visit our virtual exhibit to learn more.The breathless pace of China’s economic reform has brought about deep ruptures in socioeconomic structures an
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Struggling to “Have a Life” – How Adolescents Navigate Psychiatric Care

Nov 13 2020
This post is part of our #RaisingOurVoices2020 blog series. Learn more at our American Anthropological Association virtual exhibit.By Janis H. Jenkins and Thomas J. Csordas, co-authors of Troubled in the Land of Enchantment: Adolescent Experience of Psychiatric TreatmentNew Mexico is a p
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