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UC Press Blog

9 Results

Ten years after the death of Michael Brown, the conditions that led to the uprisings remain

Aug 09 2024
Today is the ten-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death and a critical moment to reflect on the uprisings. While some view these contemporary revolts as solely driven by police aggression, our modern unrest narrative is more complex. Through interviews for my new book Slow and Sudden Violence, Ferguson and Baltimore community leaders identified police brutality as a cause of the uprisings, but they also voiced other significant frustrations.
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Q&A with Walter J. Nicholls, Series Editor of IJURR

Apr 16 2024
The IJURR Book Series has established itself as a cornerstone in the field of global urban studies, pushing the boundaries of critical, interdisciplinary, and theory-driven urban research across the globe. Entering a new phase with its partnership with UC Press starting in 2024, the IJURR Book Serie
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Why Small U.S. Cities are Acting like Reality TV Stars

Mar 20 2023
By David A. Banks, author of The City Authentic: How the Attention Economy Builds Urban AmericaWe’ve all seen headlines featuring interesting commentary on U.S. cities’ images or brands. In the lead up to my new book, The City Authentic: How the Attention Economy Builds Urban America,I’ve b
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The Rise of WFH Will Shift America’s Economic Geography 

Dec 14 2022
By Matthew E. Kahn, author of Going Remote: How the Flexible Work Economy Can Improve Our Lives and Our CitiesBefore the COVID Shock, urban economists told a familiar “tale of two cities.” The post-industrial cities such as Baltimore and Detroit continued to lose people because these cities had
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What NYC Taught Me About Oakland’s Urban Landscape

Feb 23 2022
By Mitchell Schwarzer, author of Hella Town: Oakland's History of Development and DisruptionIt was the spring of 1964 and the sea air caressed my face as my father drove us along the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn. He pulled off to a rest stop. We got out of the car and raced to the shoreline. “You s
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The Understudied Social Lives of Public Transit

Nov 08 2021
By Rashmi Sadana, author of The Moving City: Scenes from the Delhi Metro and the Social Life of InfrastructureOne of the first people I interviewed for my new book, The Moving City: Scenes from the Delhi Metro and the Social Life of Infrastructure, was a woman in her fifties who I call Vanit
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What Fragments Tell Us About Cities

Sep 29 2021
By Colin McFarlane, author of Fragments of the City: Making and Remaking Urban WorldsI was standing in front of two side-by-side pictures, both black and white images of houses on an ordinary street. When I stood back, I realised that the photos were in fact of the same house. One image of t
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Editor Spotlight: Meet Kim Robinson, Editorial Director

Apr 09 2021
In this edition of our UC Press Editor Spotlight Series, we sat down with Editorial Director Kim Robinson to discuss the role of an editorial director, how UC Press is addressing DEI within our editorial strategy, and what kinds of projects she’s interested in for the geography and urban studies lis
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The South Bronx battles on amidst the pandemic, the protests, and police violence

Jun 30 2020
by Carolyn McLaughlin, author of South Bronx BattlesLast year, I released South Bronx Battles, a chronicle and tribute to the South Bronx as a community that has worked to create a vibrant, diverse culture while remaining a safe haven for poor families. Resisting the ravaging forces of syste
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