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University of California Press

About the Book

The first two editions of Chen Village presented an enthralling account of a Chinese village in the throes of Maoist revolution followed by dramatic changes in village life and local politics during the Deng Xiaoping period. Now, more than a decade and a half later, the authors have returned to Chen Village, and in three new chapters they explore astonishing developments. The once-backwater village is today a center of China's export industry, where more than 50,000 workers labor in modern factories, ruled by the village government. This new edition of Chen Village illuminates, in microcosm, the recent history of rural China up to the present time.

About the Author

Anita Chan is a sociologist at the Australian National University. Richard Madsen is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, San Diego. Jonathan Unger is head of the Contemporary China Centre at the Australian National University.

Table of Contents


1. Chen VIllage and Its Leaders
2. The Big Four Cleanups
3. Studying Chairman Mao
4. The Cultural Revolution
5. The Cleansing of the Class Ranks
6. A Leftward Lurch and a Solid Footing
7. The Great Betrothal Dispute
8. Plunging into a New Decade
9. The Troubled Seventies
10. The New Era
11. The Midas Touch
12. Entrepreneurs and Gamblers
13. Globalization and Transformation
14. Lifestyles of a Middle-Class Community
15. Outsiders

Epilogue : An Unbroken Thread:
The Sent-Down Youths and Chen VIllage
Other Writings on Chen Village


“For many of us, Chen Village is the place where we got acquainted with what life really was like in the Chinese countryside--not by visiting it in person, but through the analytical lenses and skillful pens of the three authors who brought it to life for us over the past quarter-century. With the publication of the third edition of this village study, we are able to trace the developments and changes in this southern Chinese rural community from the early 1960s all the way to 2007. . . . This book should be read by everybody interested in or working on or in China.”
The China Journal