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University of California Press

About the Author

Margaret Lock is Professor of Medical Anthopology at McGill University and author of Twice Dead (California, 2002), among other titles. In 2003, she was awarded the Robert B. Textor and Family Prize for Excellence in Anticipatory Anthropology, of the American Anthropology Association.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Paperback Edition
List of Illustrations
List of Tables

1. Introduction: The Pendulum Swings to Holism

PART ONE: East Asian Medicine: Its Philosophical Foundations and
Historical Development
2. Early Japanese Medical Beliefs and Practices
3. Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of East Asian Medicine
4. History of East Asian Medicine in Japan

PART TWO: Attitudes toward the Body in Health and Sickness
5. Early Socialization
6. The Interrelationship of Socialization Practices and Medical Beliefs

PART THREE: The East Asian Medical System in Urban Japan: Kanpo
7. A Kanpo-Clinic: The Patients
8. A KanpoClinic: The Doctors
9. Herbal Pharmacies

PART FOUR: The East Asian Medical System in Urban Japan:
Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Massage
10. Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinics: The Setting
and the Patients
11. Massage: Shiatsu and Amma
12. East Asian Medical Schools
13. Philosophy and Attitudes of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Massage Specialists
14. Holism and East Asian Therapy

PART FIVE: The Cosmopolitan Medical System
15. Doctor and Patient Relationships in Cosmopolitan Medicine
16. Conclusions
