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University of California Press

About the Book

Many young professionals seek egalitarian partnerships in which both partners work for pay and share unpaid housework and childcare. Yet working couples' realities often deviate from this ideal, with women trading off employment for family care. Will contemporary young adults repeat this pattern, or will they come closer to achieving equality in work and family? Equal Partners? seeks to explore this question.  

Drawing on six years of interviews with the partners in twenty-one different-gender couples, Jaclyn S. Wong documents how supportive workplaces, partners' steadfast gender-egalitarian attitudes, and partners' jointly coordinated actions all need to come together for couples to experience gender equality in work and family. This book offers a compelling study of the dynamics of couples in ambitious partnerships who aspire to equality as they navigate the external pressures that come with life planning.

About the Author

Jaclyn S. Wong is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Faculty Affiliate in the Women's and Gender Studies Program at the University of South Carolina.

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Table of Contents


List of Tables 

1. Gender, Work, and Family in the Twenty-First Century 
2. Consistent Compromisers 
3. Autonomous Actors 
4. Tending Traditional Couples 
5. Comparing Couples 
6. Pathways Forward 

Methodological Appendix 


"This book is also a must-read for anyone wondering how much, if anything, has changed in a critical arena of life—and why. Unsurprisingly, I strongly recommend this book to researchers, policymakers, students, and the public."
Social Forces
"Jaclyn Wong uses compelling interviews in Equal Partners? to highlight the challenges of creating a more equal relationship and encourages us to reflect on the lessons we can take away from those who have been the most successful in this endeavor."⎯Amanda Jayne Miller, coauthor of Cohabitation Nation: Gender, Class, and the Remaking of Relationships

"Wong's use of the work-family ecosystem as a frame allows her to investigate both structure and agency in the couples' choices in a way that has rarely been done in sociological work-family studies. Equal Partners? makes an outstanding contribution using novel data collection. An original and compelling insight into dual-earning professional couples."⎯Sarah Damaske, author of The Tolls of Uncertainty: How Privilege and the Guilt Gap Shape Unemployment in America

"Through illuminating interviews with dual-career couples, Wong's timely work reveals the many moving pieces that need to align for partners to turn their egalitarian goals into a reality. Emphasizing the need for broad-scale structural and cultural changes combined with partner-level joint action, this must-read sheds new light on the meaning of equality and the future of the gender revolution."⎯Ellen Lamont, author of The Mating Game: How Gender Still Shapes How We Date


  • Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Book Award Honorable Mention 2024, American Sociological Association