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University of California Press

About the Book

This updated version of the celebrated biography contains a final chapter depicting the hurried creativity of Picasso's last years. A surrealist artist and organizer of a number of major exhibitions, Roland Penrose was a close friend of Picasso from 1935 until the latter's death in 1973.

About the Author

Sir Roland Algernon Penrose (1900 – 1984) was an English artist, historian and poet. He was a major promoter and collector of modern art and an associate of the Surrealists in the United Kingdom.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
List of Plates

1 Origins and Youth (1881-95)
Malaga- Ancestry- Don Jose Marries- An Earthquake -Local
Painters and Painting - Bullfights - Departure for Corunna -
Summer in Malaga

2 Barcelona (1895-1901)
Catalonia and Spain - The Intellectuals Revolt - Arrival in
Barcelona - Science and Charity - Independence and New
Influences - Excursions along the Coast - Visit to Malaga
- Madrid - Horta de San Juan: Summer 1898 - Return to
Barcelona - Els Quatre Gats - Sketchbooks - First
Illustrations - Gaudi - Departure - Paris - New Year in
Malaga - Madrid: Arte Joven - Barcelona: Exhibitions at the
Sala Pares

3 The Blue Period (1901-04)
Return to Paris - Exhibition with Vollard: June 1901 - Work
of the Cabaret Period - Max Jacob - Decoration of Le Zut
- Departure for Barcelona - The Blue Period - Barcelona:
January 1902 - Paris- Barcelona: January 1903-April 1904:
Blindness and Vision

4 Au Rendez-vous des Poetes (1904-06)
The Bateau La voir: the Final Move to Paris - Fernande Olivier
- La Bande Picasso - The First Patrons - The Studio: Late
Blue Period - Au Rendez-vous des Poetes - The Rose Period
- Harlequin - Circus and Saltimbanques - Life in Montmartre

- A Visit to Holland, and Sculpture - First Classical Period
- The Portrait of Gertrude Stein - Gosol

5 Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1906-09)
New Tendencies and Matisse - Recognition - Conflicting
Styles - Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - Negro Period - Literary
Friends- The Douanier Rousseau- A Duel- The Beginning
of Cubism - La Rue des Bois - Horta de San Juan: Summer
1909 - Return to Paris

6 The Creation of Cubism (1909-14)
Move to Boulevard de Clichy - The Cubist Portraits:
Analytical Cubism - Summer in Cadaques - The Heroic Days
of Cubism - The Subject Matter in Cubism - Ceret - First
Reactions to Cubism - L 'Affaire des Statues - Changes at
Home - The Beginning of Collage - Papiers colles and the
Return of Colour - The Widening Influence of Cubism -
Synthetic Cubism - Cubist Constructions - The Woman in a
Chemise - Avignon

7 First World War- Paris and Rome (1914-18) 195
Cubism at the Outbreak of War - Paris Goes to War - Max
Jacob and the Death of Eva - The Crystal Period - 'Back to
Ingres'- Life during the War- The Russian Ballet- A Visit to
Barcelona - Marriage and the Move into Paris - Guillaume
Apollinaire - The Armistice - Biarritz

8 'Beauty Must be Convulsive' (1918-30)
The Ballet in London - Pulcine/la and Cuadra Flamenco -
Mercure - Portraits and Drawings - Le Midi - Monumental
Nudes - Three Musicians - Fontainebleau: Mother and ChildExhibitions
- The Dinard Still-Jifes - Varied Styles - The
Great Still-lifes - Surrealism - 'Beauty Mu'st be Convulsive' -
Social Contacts - Renewed Violence - The Anatomy of
Dreams - A Crucifixion - Sculpture

9 Boisgeloup: Sculpture and the Minotaur (1930-36) 263
Le Chef d'ceuvre inconnu and Ovid's Metamorphoses -
Boisgeloup: New Activities - Still-lifes - Anatomy Reshaped -
Moonlike Heads: A New Model - Widespread Recognition -
The Sculptor's Studio - The Horned God - Picasso the Poet -
The Return of Jaime Sabartes - Paul Eluard - Picasso
Acclaimed in Spain and Paris - Secret Visit to Juan-les-Pins -
Summer in Paris- Civil War in Spain- August at Mougins

10 Guernica (1936-39)
Le Tremblay - Dream and Lie of Franco - A Mural for the
Spanish Pavilion - Premonitions - Picasso Furioso -
Universality of Meaning- The Public and Picasso- Return to
Mougins - The Autumn in Paris - Paul Eluard and the
Spanish War- Visit to Paul Klee- Mougins: 1938- Guernica
Travels - Illness and Recovery

11 Second World War- Royan and Paris (1939-45) 325
Royan - The German Occupation - Return to Paris - Picasso
as Playwright - Portraits of D. M. - Still-life and Figure
Paintings - Sculpture - Death of Max Jacob - Landscapes of
Paris and a Still-life - Liberation - Picasso: the Communist -
Exhibitions - The Charnel House

12 Antibes and Vallauris (1945-54) 357
Return to the Mediterranean - A New Medium and a New
Model - Picasso and the Museums - Ceramics at Vallauris -
Picasso and the Cause of Peace - Family Life - The Man with
the Sheep and the Vallauris Chapel - War and Peace - The
Temple of Peace - Paris: Books and Paul Eluard - Sculpture
and Painting at Vallauris- More Paintings and New Versions
of old Masterpieces - The Death of Friends - Separation - A
Season in Hell

13 'La Californie' ( 1954-58)
Tauromachia - Les Femmes d'Alger - Exhibitions - Cannes -
Films - Politics - Visitors and Friends - Paterfamilias - Picasso
Entertains - The Unesco Mural and another Project - Las
Meninas - Some Paintings of 1958

14 Vauvenargues: Departure from Cannes:
Spanish Friends (1959-61 and after)
Le Mont Sainte Victoire - A Monument for Apollinaire -
Figures and a Fountain - More Exhibitions - A New Spanish
Period - A Secret Rendez-vous and Public Celebrations

15 Le mas Notre Dame de Vie (1961-70)
A New Refuge - Sculpture: Intimate and Monumental - The
Chicago Picasso - Painting: the Artist and his Model and The
Sabines - Drawings - Lino-cuts - Engravings and Eroticism -
Unwelcome Ordeals- Homage to Picasso

16 Last Years (1970-73)
El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz - Le Palais des Papes - The
Great Collage of 1937 Becomes a Tapestry - The Museo
Picasso - A New Language - Conclusion

Selected Bibliography


"An immensely likable book, and one which makes its hero immensely likeable."
Times Literary Supplement
"A work of absorbing interest."
"Densely factual, yet coherent and vital . . . it abounds in significant anecdotes, in intimate revelations . . . full and fascinating, intimate and authoritative." 
"A major contribution to the understanding of twentieth-century art . . . illuminating to a rare degree."
Manchester Guardian
"One of the most satisfactory full biographies of recent years."
Time and Tide
"Intimate, yet objective; comprehensive, yet enthralling; this biography of the greatest artists of our century will rank with Vasari in the annals of European painting."—Sir Herbert Read