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University of California Press


Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind, Abridged edition

by Laurence M. Klauber (Author)
Price: $36.95 / £31.00
Publication Date: Nov 2023
Edition: 2nd Edition
Title Details:
Rights: World
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780520342989
Trim Size: 6 x 9

About the Book

This virtual encyclopedia of the rattlesnake became a natural history sensation when it was first published in 1956. The republication of the Second Edition, with a new foreword by Harry W. Greene, will give amateur and professional herpetologists alike reason to rejoice.

This virtual encyclopedia of the rattlesnake became a natural history sensation when it was first published in 1956. The republication of the Second Edition, with a new foreword by Harry W. Greene, will give amateur and professional herpetologists alike r

Table of Contents

Publisher's Foreword
Abridger's Note
Sources of Information

1. Status
Classification and Nomenclature
A List of Rattlesnake Species and Subspecies
Venomous Snakes in the United States Other than Rattlesnakes
Confusion Regarding Rattlesnakes
Distinguishing Venomous from Harmless Snakes
The Use of Common Names

2. Morphology
Body Proportions
Head and Tail Dimensions
Color and Pattern
Freaks and Aberrants
Two-Headed Snakes
Defective Young

3. The Rattle
Function and Utilization
The Function of the Rattle
Conditions of Use
Rattle Nomenclature
The Character of the Sound
Method of Vibration and the Production of Sound
Speed of Vibration
Formation and Length
Chronology of Rattle Formation
Rattle-String Length

4. Bodily Functions
Life Persistence and Frailty
Skin Shedding
The Shedding Operation
Effect of Shedding on Sight
Water Requirements during Shedding
The Season of Shedding
Shedding Frequency
Horizontal Undulatory Progression
Rectilinear Progression
Concertina Progression
Rattlesnake Speed
Misunderstood Features of Crawling
Sight and the Eye
The Tongue and Sense of Smell
The Facial Pits
Distant Detection
Aggregation and Sex Recognition

Physiological Temperature Limitations
Maximum Temperature Limits
Minimum Temperature Limits
Optimum Temperature Range
Temporal Variations in Habits
Seasonal Variations in Activity
Effects of Reproductive Cycle on Seasonal Activity
Denning Dates and the Risk of Immobility
Rattlesnakes as Weather Indicators
Summer Migrations and Estivation
Effects of Humidity
Diurnal Variations in Activity
The Basking Range
Other Temperature-Control Expedients
Defensive and Warning Behavior
Disposition and Temperament
Protective Coloration and Concealment
Defensive Attacks
Warning Mechanisms
Mythical Defensive Actions
Distinguishing the Resting from the Striking Coil
The Strike
Climbing Proclivities
Swimming Ability
How the Rattles are Held
Actions in the Water
Tales of Swimming Rattlesnakes
Danger from Swimming Rattlesnakes

6. Populations and Ecology
The Importance of Ecological Factors
Range Limits
Altitudinal Range
Island Habitats
Population Factors
Population Densities
Effect of Dens on Population Estimates
Rarity of Particular Species
Population Trends
Proportion of Rattlesnakes in Snake Populations
Composite Populations
Hibernating Dens and Their Uses
Physical Character of Dens
Den Populations
Persistence of Dens
Spacing of Dens
Life at the Dens
Animals that Hibernate with Rattlesnakes
Aggregation and Dispersal
Advantages of Aggregation
Summer Ranges and Territoriality
Accidental Dispersal. Migration

7. Food
Kinds of Food
Birds and Eggs
Amphibians and Fishes
Vegetable and Mineral Foods
Methods of Securing Prey
Variability in the Effect of a Bite
Differences in Dealing with Prey
Method of Swallowing
Disgorging Prey
Fatal Meals
Reactions of Prey
Food Requirements
Frequency of Feeding
Multiple Meals
Water Requirements
Feeding Rattlesnakes in Captivity
Effects of Conditions of Captivity
Dead Food
Methods of Feeding
Frequency of Feeding
Seasonal Effects
Individual and Species Differences
Reactions of Prey
Long Fasts

8. Reproduction
Sexual Characteristics
Methods of Determining Sex- Tail-Length Differences
Male Organs
Sexual Activities
Traveling in Pairs
The Male Combat "Dance"
Courtship and Mating Pattern
Young Rattlesnakes
Congenital Defects
Young per Brood
Maternal Protection and Association

9. Poison Apparatus
The Biting Mechanism
Manual Venom Extraction
Venom Utilization

10.The Bite and Its Effects
The Nature of the Bite
Bite or Stahl
Bite Patterns
Actions after a Strike
The Snake-Bite Hazard
Snake Bite Statistics
Fatalities from Rattlesnake Bite in the United States
Proportion of Rattlesnake Cases Ending Fatally
Variable Factors in Snake-Bite Cases
Illegitimate Bites
Temporal Variables in Snake-Bite Cases
Seasonal and Climatic Effects on the
Gravity of Snake Bite
Symptoms and Aftereffects
Discussion of Symptoms by Categories
Symptomatic Case Reports by Species
Case Duration
Causes of Fatalities
The Symptoms of Crotalus durissus Bite
Infection in Rattlesnake Bite
Permanent Aftereffects
Effect of Venom on the Eyes and Other Organs
The Recurrence of Snake-Bite Symptoms
Susceptibility, Resistance, and Immunity
to Rattlesnake Venom
Immunity to Snake Bite in Man
Susceptibility of Domestic Animals
Immunity in Mammals That Prey on Snakes
Susceptibhility of Reptiles
Effect of Rattlesnake Venom on Plants

11.Treatment and Prevention of the Bite
The Treatments Proposed: Their History and Present Status
Scarification, Incision, and Suction
Excision or Amputation
The Tourniquet, Ligature, or Constriction Band
freezing and Cold Packs
Cures Derived from the Snake
The Split-Chicken Treatment
Miscellaneous Animal Products
Botanical Cures and Vegetable Products
Oil and Fats
Inorganic Chemicals
Mud or Earth Applications
Snake Stones
Narcotics and Stimulants
Emetics and Purgatives
Some New Drugs
Veterinary Treatments
Preparation of Antivenin
Specificity of Antivenins
Use of Antivenin
Recommended Treatment for Rattlesnake Bite
The Prevention of Rattlesnake Bite
How People Get Bitten; Example Incidents
Lessons to Be Learned
The Rattlesnake in the Blankets
How Illegitimate Bites Happen
Multiple Bites
Human Attitudes toward Rattlesnakes
Snake-Handling Cults
Murder, Suicide, and War
Protective Devices
The Human fear of Snakes
The Effect of the Rattlesnake Threat on People's Actions
Rattlesnakes and Domestic Animals
Animal Fears of Snakes
Stock Losses from Rattlesnake Bite
Symptoms of Rattlesnake Bite in Animals
Rattlesnakes and Dogs, Coyotes, and Small Animals

12. Control and Utilization
Methods of Control
Campaigns for Killing at Dens
Gases and Poisons
Encouragement of Competitive Predators and Enemies
Elimination of Food Supply and Cover 237
Traffic Casualties
Methods of Catching Rattlesnakes
Tools and Equipment
Collections of Preserved Snakes
Shipping Rattlesnakes
Commercial Utilization of Rattlesnakes
and Their By-Products
The Live-Snake Market
Snake Shows 2
Rattlesnake Oil and Fat
Rattlesnake Flesh as Food
Skin Products
Miscellaneous Products
Photographing Rattlesnakes

13.Enemies of Rattlesnakes
Mammal Enemies
Bird Enemies
Reptile and Amphibian Enemies
King Snakes
Other Snakes
Miscellaneous Reptiles and Amphibians
Miscellaneous Enemies
Parasites and Diseases

14. Indians and Rattlesnakes
Religion, Superstition, and Folklore
Rattlesnake Protection and Appeasement
Legends and Tales
Miscellaneous Superstitions and Beliefs
Protective Measures
Repellents, Charms, and Taboos
Societies and Ceremonies
Dances and Exhibitions
The Hopi Snake Dance
Snake-Bite Treatment
Plant Remedies
Remedies Derived from the Snake
Suction and Surgical Treatments
Miscellaneous Cures
Rattlesnake Shamans and Ceremonial Cures
Ceremonial Details
Tribal Protection from Snake Bite
Handling Rattlesnakes
Shamanistic Magic
Shamanistic Fees
Shamanistic Taboos
Evil Shamans and Poisoners
Miscellaneous Indian-Rattlesnake Relationships
Rattlesnakes as a Cause and Cure of Disease
War Uses, Arrow Poisoning
Art and Ornamentation
Indian Field Knowledge of Rattlers
Rattlesnakes as Food

15. Post-Columbian Knowledge of Rattlesnakes

16. Myths, Folklore, and Tall Stories
Myths of Venom and Snake Bite
Temporary Removal of Venom Glands
Effect of Death on Venom Virulence
Effects of Biting on the Biter
Venom Transmitted through Mother's Milk
Preferences in Biting
Transfer of Venom to Another Animal
Strange Venom Effects
How Rattlesnakes Catch and Eat Their Prey
Charming Prey
Licking Prey
Mythical Foods
Folklore Remedies Derived from Rattlesnakes
Protective Methods and Devices
The Protective Hair Rope
The Infallible Shot
Repellents and Amulets
Mythical Creatures
Giant Rattlesnakes
Hairy Rattlesnakes
Rattlesnake- Bull-Snake Hybrids
Queer Actions and Attributes
Rattlesnake Odor
Rattle Myths
Some Traditional Stories
Rattler Encounters with Other Creatures
Rattlesnake Pilot
The Vengeful Mate
Swallowing Young for Their Protection
Mother Nourishing Young
The Fatal Boot
The Roadrunner's Cactus Corral
The Cabin Built on a Den
The Rattler and the Wagon Wheel
The Child Feeds a Rattlesnake
The Thankful Rattlesnakes
The Deep Freeze
Tribal Heroes
Miscellaneous Beliefs and Folklore
Incipient Myths
Superstitions about Meeting Rattlers
Rattlesnakes and Weather
Miscellaneous Myths, Legends, and Stories
