Remaking a Life
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UC Press ASA Award-Winning Authors

UC Press June Award-Winning Authors
— Ms. Magazine“This book about women living with HIV/AIDS is remarkably uplifting and encouraging. In her latest work, Professor Celeste Watkins-Hayes shares how these women are using their diagnoses to create radical, positive changes in their lives and communities. There are valuable lessons throughout that will help those living with HIV/AIDS, those loving them and those fighting for them.”
— U.S. Studies Online"Watkins-Hayes provides a nuanced analysis of the opportunities that the safety net offers these women whilst simultaneously highlighting the impact of systemic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal racism on their ability to accept and thrive using these resources."
— Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work"Watkins-Hayes’ thoughtful book offers fresh insights into our current context. . . . reminds social workers that the most meaningful social science research is slow, intentional, and community-engaged."
— American Journal of Sociology"It is an exemplar of qualitative research and multimethod design. No exaggeration: Remaking a Life represents the very best sociology has to offer."
"Dr. Celeste Watkins-Hayes examines the resiliency of women facing incalculable challenges, and she chronicles the power of activism to change their lives for the better. By confronting what Watkins-Hayes calls the “injuries of inequality” and the AIDS response, Remaking a Life urges leaders to deliver bold policy solutions to address the complicated intersection of healthcare, social support, economic assistance, and civic engagement that could tackle persistent crises such as chronic homelessness, the ever-widening drug epidemic and the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS. She offers an under-appreciated, solutions-driven model that untangles how the public sector can help individuals and communities in crisis, and in so doing, Watkins-Hayes carves a path forward to progress."—Stacey Abrams, Founder and Chair of Fair Fight Action, Former Georgia House Minority Leader
"A brilliant book on political and personal transformation. For anyone interested in how activism and advocacy work to challenge inequality and transform state policy, while also remaking lives in local communities across the country, this book is a must read."—Cathy J. Cohen, author of Boundaries of Blackness: AIDS and the Breakdown of Black Politics
"Important, thoughtful, and original."— Mario Small, Harvard University
"A brilliant, ground-breaking analysis of how a diverse group of women living with HIV/AIDS transform their lives in the midst of seemingly insurmountable challenges surrounding the pervasive and devastating consequences of a broad range of structural inequalities. A must read for scholars, activists, policy makers, various communities seeking to understand the continuing challenges of combatting HIV/AIDS as safety nets become more fragile."—Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Anna Julia Cooper Professor of Women’s Studies, Spelman College.
"Watkins-Hayes carefully weaves together life and policy histories to give voice to the struggles of women marginalized by society, honoring their transformative work and efforts to make meaning across the life course. Remaking a Life is a powerful read and one critical for so many researchers, students, policymakers, and advocates to engage." —Scott Allard, University of Washington
- Distinguished Scholarly Book Award 2021, American Sociological Association
- Outstanding Publication Award 2020, American Sociological Association Section on Aging & the Life Course
- Eliot Freidson Outstanding Publication Award 2020, American Sociological Association Section on Medical Sociology
- SOCIOLOGY OF SEX AND GENDER DISTINGUISHED BOOK AWARD 2020, American Sociological Association Section on Sex and Gender
- Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award 2020, Association for Humanist Sociology
- PROSE Award Finalist (Anthropology, Criminology & Sociology category) 2020, Association of American University Presses
- Ida B. Wells Book Award Honorable Mention 2020, Association of Black Sociologists
- Mirra Komarovsky Book Award 2021, Eastern Sociological Society
- Gold Medal, Women’s Issues 2020, Independent Publisher Book Awards
- Sara Whaley Prize Honorable Mention 2020, National Women's Studies Association
- Alison Piepmeier Book Prize 2020, National Women's Studies Association