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University of California Press

About the Book

A seminal figure in late antique Christianity and Christian orthodoxy, Saint Gregory of Nazianzus published a collection of more than 240 letters. Whereas these letters have often been cast aside as readers turn to his theological orations or autobiographical poetry for insight into his life, thought, and times, Self-Portrait in Three Colors focuses squarely on them, building a provocative case that the finalized collection constitutes not an epistolary archive but an autobiography in epistolary form—a single text composed to secure his status among provincial contemporaries and later generations. Shedding light on late-ancient letter writing, fourth-century Christian intelligentsia, Christianity and classical culture, and the Christianization of Roman society, these letters offer a fascinating and unique view of Gregory’s life, engagement with literary culture, and leadership in the church. As a single unit, this autobiographical epistolary collection proved a powerful tool in Gregory’s attempts to govern the contours of his authorial image as well as his provincial and ecclesiastical legacy.

About the Author

Bradley K. Storin is Assistant Professor of the History of Christianity in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Louisiana State University.

Table of Contents

Note on Translations

1. An Epistolary Autobiography
2. The Architecture of the Letter Collection
3. “The Most Eloquent Gregory”
4. “Father of Philosophers”
5. “Basilist”

Works Cited
Index of Gregory’s Epistulae
Index of Subjects


"Storin offers a thought-provoking analysis. . . . [and the] book is a welcome addition to the scholarship on Gregory’s self-presentation and will certainly stimulate further discussion about the ways we read his letter collection."
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
"Provides clear and succinct introductions to several aspects of the social and intellectual life of Late Antiquity. It is, moreover, a commendable illustration of how these insights can be applied to specific texts."
Scoreboard for Classical Studies
"Will prove valuable not only to scholars of Gregory or ancient epistolography, but all those interested in the interdependent constructions of rhetoric, philosophy, and the self in late antiquity."

Ancient Jew Review
"Self-Portrait in Three Colors adds nuance and depth to our understanding of the life and times of Gregory of Nazianzus."
Reading Religion
“With this collection, Bradley Storin takes seriously the proposition that ancient letter collections were anything but haphazardly assembled. He demonstrates splendidly that Gregory conceived of his collected correspondence as a cohesive, uniform work and wished it to be read as such—as a powerful autobiography, easily turned to hagiography. Storin has written a wonderful book of relevance far beyond the field.”—Susanna Elm, author of Sons of Hellenism, Father of the Church: Emperor Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, and the Vision of Rome