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University of California Press

About the Book

In the second edition of the definitive account of Igor Stravinsky's life and work, arranged in two separate sections, Eric Walter White revised the whole book, completing the biographical section by taking it up to Stravinsky's death in 1971. To the list of works, the author added some early pieces that have recently come to light, as well as the late compositions, including the Requiem Canticles and The Owl and the Pussycat. Four more of Stravinsky's own writings appear in the Appendices, and there are several important additions to the bibliography.

Table of Contents

Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition


PART TWO Register of Works:
A. Original Compositions
B. Arrangements of other Composers' Works

PART THREE Epilogue: The Composer
Appendices: A. Various Writings by Stravinsky Reprinted
B. A selection of letters written to Stravinsky
in 1913 by Claude Debussy, Frederick
Delius, Maurice Ravel, and Jules Romains
C. A Catalogue of Manuscripts (1904-1952)
in Stravinsky's Possession (compiled by Robert Craft)
D. Arrangements for Player-Piano
E. Bibliography
