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University of California Press

The Behavior Guide to African Mammals

Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, Primates, 20th Anniversary Edition

by Richard D. Estes (Author), Edward O. Wilson (Foreword by), Daniel Otte (Illustrator)
Price: $44.95 / £38.00
Publication Date: Mar 2012
Edition: 1st Edition
Title Details:
Rights: World
Pages: 640
ISBN: 9780520272972
Trim Size: 6.125 x 9.25
Illustrations: 46 b/w photographs, 338 line illustrations, 90 maps, 56 tables

About the Book

The Behavior Guide to African Mammals is as different from a conventional field guide as motion pictures are from a snapshot. Whether we are able to look at them face to face, on television, or in the hundreds of illustrations provided here by Daniel Otte, this guide allows us to understand what animals do and what their behavior means.

Drawing on his own extensive fieldwork and on the research of many other scientists, Richard Despard Estes describes and explains the behavior of four major groups of mammals. Estes's remarkably informative guide is as up-to-date for the zoologist as it is accessible for the interested onlooker.

About the Author

Richard Estes is one of the world's foremost experts on the social ecology of African mammals. Daniel Otte is Curator and Chairman of the Department of Entomology at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. E. O. Wilson is Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of Science and Curator in Entomology at Harvard University and co-author of The Ants (1990).

Table of Contents

Foreword by Edward 0. Wilson
Guide to the Guide

Part I. Hoofed Mammals: Antelopes and Other Ruminants
1. Introduction to the Ruminants
2. Antelopes and Buffalo: Family Bovidae
3· Duikers: Tribe Cephalophini
4· Dwarf Antelopes: Tribe Neotragini  
5· Gazelles and Their Allies: Tribe Antilopini
6. Reedbucks, Kob, and Waterbuck: Tribe Reduncini
7. Horse Antelopes: Tribe Hippotragini
8. Hartebeests, Topi, Blesbok, and Wildebeests: Tribe Alcelaphini
9· Bushbuck, Kudus, and Elands: Tribe Tragelaphini
10. Buffaloes and Cattle: Tribe Bovini
11. Giraffe and Okapi: Family Giraffidae

Part II. Hoofed Mammals: Nonruminants
12. Swine:FamilySuidae
13. Hippopotamuses: Family Hippopotamidae
14. Rhinoceroses: Family Rhinocerotidae
15. Zebras, Asses, and Horses: Family Equidae
16. Hyraxes: Order Hyracoidea, Family Procaviidae
17. Elephants: Order Proboscidea, Family Elephantidae

Part III. Carnivores
18. Introduction to Carnivores
19. Genets, Civets, and Mongooses: Family Viverridae
20. Hyenas and Aardwolf: Family Hyaenidae
21. Cats: Family Felidae
22. Foxes, Jackals, and Dogs: Family Canidae
23. Weasels, Otters, Zorilla, and Ratel: Family Mustelidae

Part IV. Primates
24. Introduction to Primates
25. Bush Babies and Pottos: Family Lorisidae
26. Old World Monkeys: Communication in the Family Cercopithecidae
27. Guenons, Mangabeys, and Baboons: Subfamily Cercopithecinae
28. Colobus Monkeys: Subfamily Colobinae
29. Great Apes: Family Pongidae

Additional References Added in Proof


"Whether we are able to look at them face to face, on television, or in the hundreds of illustrations provided here by Daniel Otte, this guide allows us to understand what animals do and what their behavior means. Drawing on his own extensive fieldwork and on the research of many other scientists, Richard Despard Estes describes and explains the behavior of four major groups of mammals. Estes's remarkably informative guide is as up-to-date (as of 1992) for the zoologist as it is accessible for the interested onlooker."
The Guardian
"Outstanding. . . .For anyone who's planning or remembering an African safari, or is fascinated by the continent's wildlife."
Chicago Sun Times
"A work of tremendous scope. . . . Amateur naturalists and tourists to the parks of Africa and finally professionals will find this a stimulating, well-documented summary."—John F. Eisenberg, Florida Museum of Natural History

"We have seen in the field how very helpful and informative The Behavior Guide is. Our knowledgeable safari guides turned often to their prized and already well-thumbed copies, and we continue to refer to ours now that we are back home."—Douglas F. Williamson, Jr., National Council, World Wildlife Fund, U.S.

"There was nothing like for the mammals of Africa or anywhere else in the world—and after two decades there still isn’t. The Guide provides an invaluable baseline of information that can never be superseded. . . . There are new data and insights, but the Guide retains its place as a landmark in African natural history.."—George B. Schaller, author of The Serengheti Lion and The Deer and the Tiger

"A remarkable review of what is known about the larger African mammals."—A.R.E. Sinclair, The Ecology Group, University of British Columbia