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University of California Press

About the Book

The Sociology of Development Handbook gathers essays that reflect the range of debates in development sociology and in the interdisciplinary study and practice of development. The essays address the pressing intellectual challenges of today, including internal and international migration, transformation of political regimes, globalization, changes in household and family formations, gender dynamics, technological change, population and economic growth, environmental sustainability, peace and war, and the production and reproduction of social and economic inequality. 

About the Author

Gregory Hooks is Professor and Chair in the Department of Sociology at McMaster University.

From Our Blog

A Q&A with Andrew Jorgenson and Jeffrey Kentor, Editors of Sociology of Development

"Advance Articles is important for two reasons. First, it makes the article accessible to the journal’s diverse readership in a timelier manner. Second, it enables authors to get credit for their publications more quickly. This is especially helpful for junior faculty who are coming up for promotion
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Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures

Introduction: A Manifesto for the Sociology of Development - Samuel Cohn and Gregory Hooks


1. Engendering Development: The Evolution of a Field of Research - Valentine M. Moghadam
2. Population and Development - Laszlo J. Kulcsar
3. Strengthening the Ties between Environmental Sociology and Sociology of Development - Jennifer E. Givens, Brett Clark, and Andrew K. Jorgenson
4. The Sources of Socioeconomic Development - Adam Szirmai


5. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Global North and Global South - Jeffrey T. Jackson, Kirsten Dellinger, Kathryn McKee, and Annette Trefzer
6. Magic Potion/Poison Potion: The Impact of Women’s Economic Empowerment versus Disempowerment for Development in a Globalized World - Rae Lesser Blumberg
7. Land Use and the Great Acceleration in Human Activities: Political and Economic Dynamics - Thomas K. Rudel
8. Age Structure and Development: Beyond Malthus - David L. Brown and Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue
9. Development, Demographic Processes, and Public Health - Joshua Stroud, Philip Anglewicz, and Mark VanLandingham
10. Education and Development - David B. Bills


11. The Sociology of Subnational Development: Conceptual and Empirical Foundations - Linda Lobao 12. Sociological Perspectives on Uneven Development: The Making of Regions - Ann R. Tickamyer and Anouk Patel-Campillo
13. Migration and Development: Virtuous and Vicious Cycles - Sara R. Curran
14. Tertiary Education and Development: Strategies of Global South Countries to Meet Growing Tertiary Demand - Mary M. Kritz
15. Migrant Networks, Immigrant and Ethnic Economies, and Destination Development - Kim Korinek and Peter Loebach


16. The State and Development - Samuel Cohn
17. Women, Democracy, and the State - Kathleen M. Fallon and Jocelyn Viterna
18. War and Development: Questions, Answers, and Prospects for the Twenty-first Century - Gregory Hooks
19. Neoliberalism, the Origins of the Global Crisis, and the Future of States - Richard Lachmann
20. Crisis and the Rise of China - Ho-fung Hung
21. Conflict and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa - Zoe Marriage
22. Social Movements and Economic Development - Paul Almeida


23. Globalization and Development - Nina Bandelj and Elizabeth Sowers
24. Transitions to Capitalisms: Past and Present - Rebecca Jean Emigh
25. Quantitative Growth and Economic Development through History - Rosemary L. Hopcroft
26. The Great Divergence: Why Did Industrial Capitalism Emerge in Europe, Not China? - Dingxin Zhao
27. Global Commodity Chains and Development - Jennifer Bair and Matthew Mahutga

List of Contributors


Handbooks are designed to provide state-of-art reviews of literature about topical areas and to explore theoretical and methodological controversies. This volume does an excellent job in both areas. The 27 chapters are grouped into five areas—development sociology, institutions, spatial approaches, the state, and new paradigms—and are solid contributions to understanding the complexities of development. The chapters that explore the relationship between demography and development are particularly strong. Overall, the editors have chosen authors who demonstrate that sociologists have important perspectives and have produced a body of research that both complements and contradicts the traditional economic approaches that have dominated much of the discussion about development. The case is made that development sociology provides insights into social change that are distinct from the study of globalization and Third World studies by incorporating the experiences of Western industrialized societies, both historically and currently. Lastly, by considering feminist theory and considerations of human capabilities along with the World Systems framework, this handbook makes a strong case for the relevance of sociology to the study of development and is a must addition to institutions that have development curriculum.
“A who's who and what's what of development sociology, ‘indispensable’ is insufficient to describe this book. The Sociology of Development Handbook is a crystallization of the North American development sociology of the early twenty-first century. No other book matches it for scope and depth of coverage.”—­­Salvatore Babones, author of The Future of Development: A Radical Manifesto 

“Given its intellectual diversity and relevance, The Sociology of Development Handbook makes for an excellent contribution to a growing field and should be adopted by sociology departments and libraries across the country.”—Enrique Pumar, editor of Hispanic Migration and Urban Development and Perspectives in Social Research Methods and Analysis