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University of California Press

About the Book

Volume II of this acclaimed series is now available in an abridged paperback edition. The result of years of work by scholars from all over the world, The UNESCO General History of Africa reflects how the different peoples of Africa view their civilizations and shows the historical relationships between the various parts of the continent. Historical connections with other continents demonstrate Africa's contribution to the development of human civilization. Each volume is lavishly illustrated and contains a comprehensive bibliography.

Table of Contents

Preface by Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow, former Director-General of Unesco
Description of the project by B. A. Ogot, former President, International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
Note on chronology
List of the Members of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
Biographies of authors


1 Origin of the Ancient Egyptians
Annex to Chapter 1: Report of the symposium on 'The Peopling
of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script'
2 Pharaonic Egypt
3 Pharaonic Egypt: society, economy and culture
4 Egypt's relations with the rest of Africa
5 The legacy of Pharaonic Egypt
6 Egypt in the Hellenistic era
7 Egypt under Roman domination
8 The importance of Nubia: a link between Central Africa
and the Mediterranean
9 Nubia before Napata (- 3100 to - 750) 
10 The Empire of Kush: Napata and Meroe 
11 The civilization of Napata and Meroe 
12 The spreading of Christianity in Nubia 
13 Pre-Axumite culture 192
14 The civilization of Axum from the first
to the seventh century 
15 Axum: political system, economics and culture, first to
fourth century 
16 Christian Axum 
17 The proto-Berbers 
18 The Carthaginian period 
19 The Roman and post-Roman period in North Africa 
20 The Sahara in classical antiquity 
21 Introduction to the later prehistory of sub-Saharan Africa 
22 The East African coast and its role in maritime trade 
23 East Africa before the seventh century 
24 West Africa before the seventh century 
25 Central Africa 
26 Southern Africa: hunters and food-gatherers 
27 The beginnings of the Iron Age in southern Africa 
28 Madagascar 
29 The societies of Africa south of the Sahara
in the Early Iron Age 
