11 Results
Violent Impacts: How Power and Inequality Shape the Concussion Crisis
by Kathryn Henne (Author), Matt Ventresca (Author)Aug 2025Open AccessMore Than Play: How Law, Policy, and Politics Shape American Youth Sport
by Dionne Koller (Author)Apr 2025Sporting Blackness: Race, Embodiment, and Critical Muscle Memory on Screen
by Samantha N. Sheppard (Author)Jun 2020King of the Court: Bill Russell and the Basketball Revolution
by Aram Goudsouzian (Author), Harry Edwards (Foreword by)May 2010Fight Pictures: A History of Boxing and Early Cinema
by Dan Streible (Author), Charles Musser (Foreword by)Apr 2008The Tour de France, Updated with a New Preface: A Cultural History
by Christopher S. Thompson (Author)Apr 2008