Ahmanson Murphy Imprint in Fine Arts

The Ahmanson Foundation has endowed this imprint to honor the memory of Franklin D. Murphy, who for a half-century served arts and letters, beauty and learning, in equal measure by shaping with a brilliant devotion those institutions upon which they rely.
105 Results
Mary Cassatt between Paris and New York: The Making of a Transatlantic Legacy
by Ruth E. Iskin (Author)Jan 2025Real Food, Real Facts: Processed Food and the Politics of Knowledge
by Charlotte Biltekoff (Author)Aug 2024Open AccessTotality: Abstraction and Meaning in the Art of Barnett Newman
by Michael Schreyach (Author)Jun 2023From Craft to Profession: The Practice of Architecture in Nineteenth-Century America
by Mary N. Woods (Author)Apr 2023MoMA Goes to Paris in 1938: Building and Politicizing American Art
by Caroline M. Riley (Author)Jan 2023Speculative Landscapes: American Art and Real Estate in the Nineteenth Century
by Ross Barrett (Author)Aug 2022Domesticating the Invisible: Form and Environmental Anxiety in Postwar America
by Melissa S. Ragain (Author)Jan 2021Restless Enterprise: The Art and Life of Eliza Pratt Greatorex
by Katherine Manthorne (Author)Dec 2020The Fruits of Empire: Art, Food, and the Politics of Race in the Age of American Expansion
by Shana Klein (Author)Oct 2020The Black Art Renaissance: African Sculpture and Modernism across Continents
by Joshua I. Cohen (Author)Aug 2020- Open Access