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University of California Press

Book Authors

Author Promotions Checklist

So you’re ready to partner with us on promoting your book. Where should you start?

Our marketing staff will be in touch about 6-9 months prior to the publication of your book to share our Author Promotions Questionnaire (APQ), a form that helps us plan the marketing strategy for your book. This is also an opportunity to start creating your own promotions plan.

Here is an overview of the steps you can take to promote your book.

6-12 months: Planning and Developing Your Profile

  • Work on building your profile
  • Define your audience and research where they're active
  • Submit to relevant conferences
  • Begin planning speaking opportunities
  • Get active on social media
  • Begin developing your personal website (recommended for trade authors)
  • Complete our Author Promotions Questionnaire (APQ) form

4-6 months: Announcing Your Book

  • Announce pre-ordering for your book on third-party retailers like Amazon via email and social media
  • Ask your colleagues to help spread the word
  • Add your book to your email signature, social media profiles, and websites
  • Download your promotional book flier from your book page and share with your networks, as needed
  • Check-in with your department and university media relations team to see how they can support you
  • Reach out to your alumni networks to see if they can feature you
  • Create your Amazon author page (recommended for trade authors)
  • Launch your personal website (if relevant)
  • Subscribe to relevant listservs, blogs, media outlets
  • Continue to plan and confirm speaking opportunities
  • Begin thinking about potential op-ed and article topics related to your book (recommended for trade authors)

1-2 months: Preparing for Launch

  • Post a photo with your book, once you receive your copies
  • Ramp up your engagement on social media
  • Finalize a book launch event with your institution
  • Plan a book announcement to your networks (colleagues, academic societies and listservs, your department, etc)
  • Consider pitching op-eds and articles, or working on a guest post for the UCP blog
  • Reach out to colleagues about Zoom events, colloquia, or guest lecture opportunities

Pub Day!

  • Distribute your promotional book flyer at conferences and speaking engagements
  • Send out email announcements to your networks
  • Ask close colleagues to spread the word by forwarding your announcements, posting on social media, or writing an Amazon review
  • Write a guest blog for the UCP website
  • Consider writing articles, op-eds, and fielding interviews
  • Share reviews and event information on social media and your website (tag @ucpress on Twitter & Facebook and @uc_press on Instagram)
  • Don’t forget to take a moment to celebrate!

After Publication: Sharing Wins

  • Keep us informed of any reviews, events, awards, and conference participation
  • Send any additional review copy requests to your UCP publicist
  • Continue to post on social media, if active

Download a printable PDF of our Scholar’s Guide to Book Promotions.