Timed to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall uprising in New York City, “Queering Public History,” a special issue of The Public Historian, guest-edited by Melinda Marie Jetté, assesses the state of the field of queer public history. The twelve essays Jetté has gathered tell a story now a half-century deep, and follow the struggle to unite often-disparate regions, identity groups, and political goals and strategies toward national, and international, recognition and civil rights. Ranging from autobiography to oral history, from archival creation and curation strategies to heritage and historic preservation, even to street-level direct action and the universality of human rights embedded in those efforts, Jetté and her contributors have crafted a collection we believe will serve well even a half century hence.

We invite you to read the issue’s introductory essays, TPH Editor James F. Brooks’s “Commemorating Queer History” and Guest Editor Melinda Marie Jetté’s “Through the Queer Looking Glass: The Future of LGBTQ Public History,” for free.

We are also pleased to offer a special discount for those interested in purchasing copies of the issue. To purchase single copies of the issue at the discounted price of $15.00 (normally $22.00), visit TPH‘s site and enter discount code “TPHLGBT” at checkout on the shopcart page.

Click here to see the issue’s full table of contents.