Although we are sorry that we cannot meet in person this year, UC Press is pleased to be attending the virtual conference of the American Musicological Society (AMS). We are proud to be the publisher of the AMS’s official journal, the Journal of the American Musicological Society (JAMS), and, this year, are celebrating the announcement that Braxton D. Shelley’s “Analyzing Gospel,” which was published in JAMS‘s Spring 2019 issue, has been awarded the American Musicological Society’s Alfred Einstein Award, which recognizes a musicological article of exceptional merit, published during the previous year by a scholar in the early stages of his or her career. This news follows on last month’s announcement that Shelley’s article received the the Jaap Kunst Prize, which recognizes the most significant article in ethnomusicology written by members of the Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) during the first 10 years of their scholarly career. In celebration of these awards, we invite you to read Braxton D. Shelley’s “Analyzing Gospel” for free online for a limited time.

We are also removing the paywall (for a limited time) from the current issues of the journals in our Music Subject Collection, including JAMS. Please click on the covers below to read the issues.