Although we won’t be able to see you in person this year at the annual joint conference for the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies, we are pleased to offer you a chance to sample the current issues of our ancient world/classical studies journals for free for a limited time from wherever you are attending the virtual conference. Please click on the covers above for direct access.

We also would like to encourage you to attend the following panel discussions featuring scholars affiliated with UC Press journals:

Andre Matlock, whose article “Relationality, Fidelity, and the Event in Sappho,” is published in Classical Antiquity‘s current issue (which you can link to in full above) will present in SCS’s Tenth Paper Session (Saturday, January 9, 2:00–5:00 PM CST), on a panel entitled, “in a Roman Context” (SCS-66). The title of his presentation is “A Future for Old Age in Cicero’s Cato Major De Senectute.

Darlene Brooks Hedstrom, who serves on Studies in Late Antiquity‘s editorial board, will be present during AIA’s Session Block 4 (Wednesday, January 6,2:00-5:00 PM CST) on a panel entitled, “Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean: Current and Future Perspectives.” The title of her paper is “Byzantine Theory Matters: Cooking Up New Ideas in Archaeology.”

Please explore our AIA/SCS virtual exhibit booth for additional information and offers from our books program.