As the joint conference of the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music gets underway this week, we invite you to read the latest issue of Music Perception for free online for a limited time.

Interested in contributing to Music Perception? Kate Stevens, the journal’s editor will be participating in a “Meet the Editors” panel on Thursday, July 29:

Meet the Editors

An informal session at ICMPC-ESCOM 2021
Thursday 29 July, 9.00 am (BST)

This session will introduce Editors from some of the journals in our field.  The Aims and Scope of five journals will be presented briefly, followed by a panel discussion, and ending with time for question and answer (Q&A) with members of the audience.

Music Scientiae – Jane Ginsborg
Empirical Musicology Review – Daniel Müllensiefen
Lietuvos Muzikologija / Lithuanian Musicology – Rima Povilionienė
Music Perception – Kate Stevens
Music & Science – Ian Cross