This year’s American Sociological Association conference is back and in-person in Los Angeles from August 5-9! This year, we have several of our esteemed authors participating in Book Forums that you won’t want to miss. #ASA2022

Saturday, August 6th

Josh Seim, author of Bandage, Sort, and Hustle: Ambulance Crews on the Front Lines of Urban Suffering

8AM-9:30AM; LA Convention Center Floor 1, Room 151

“Stunning analysis of the Emergency Medical System (EMS), its frontline workers, and patients . . . . A great source for highlighting how well-intentioned labor processes within seemingly benevolent occupations can further marginalize people and reproduce social inequalities.”—British Medical Journal, Medical Humanities

Rene Almeling, author of GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men’s Reporductive Health

10AM-11:30AM, LA Convention Center Floor 1, Room 151

“Almeling explains why no medical specialty exists that is devoted to male reproductive health—the guy equivalent of gynecology. When it comes to penis science, it seems, men have gotten shafted.”—Scientific American

Sunday, August 7th

Melissa J. Wilde, author of Birth Control Battles: How Race and Class Divided American Religion

2PM-3:30PM, LA Convention Center Floor 1, Room 151

“This book accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do: Wilde produces an impeccable account of the doctrinal trajectories ofU.S. denominations on the birth-control issue, questioning widespread assumptions about present-day alignments. She also raises the bar for design, rigor, and clarity in comparative historical research.”—American Journal of Sociology

Monday, August 8th

Joachim J. Savelsberg, author Knowing about Genocide: Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles

4PM-5:30PM, LA Convention Center Floor 1, Room 151

“Savelsberg’s sociological analysis of the knowledge about the Armenian genocide is an important contribution to the fields of sociology, law, political science, and history. . . . His book enhances our understanding of how knowledge about mass crimes is shaped, disseminated, sedimented, denied, and acknowledged by contending parties.”—Critical Inquiry

Tuesday, August 9th

Jennifer M. Randles, author of Essential Dads: The Inequalities and Politics of Fathering

10AM-11:30AM, LA Convention Center Floor 1, Room 151

Essential Dads is an important intervention into the parenting literature, bringing a powerful voice to underrepresented fathers in an important social and policy arena.”—Philip N. Cohen, author of Enduring Bonds: Inequality, Marriage, Parenting, and Everything Else That Makes Families Great and Terrible