Edited by Lia Tjandra, Art Director 

Emily Park, senior editor: This japchae recipe comes from my favorite Korean food blog, Maangchi. The sweet potato noodles are gluten free, and the dish is easily adaptable to different vegetables and proteins, so feel free to experiment according to your tastes and the season. Inspired by License to Travelas well as our two Fall 2022 Korea-related books, Dictée and Belonging in a House Divided—japchae tastes great at room temperature and thus is perfect for taking on an international flight (if it’s going to be unrefrigerated for more than a couple of hours, leave out the meat). Just remember to bring your passport! 🙂

Cindy Fulton, senior editor: After reading Making Better Coffee, make this excellent coffee cake. It has a fancy name, but I call it the Taylor Cake, after my daughter’s lovely roommate, who has Crohn’s disease and requires a strict gluten-free diet. I make it every time I visit the girls to ensure I am always welcomed back. A bonus is that it’s one of the easiest cakes I have ever made. Almond flour is a little spendy but worth every penny; store what you do not use in the freezer so it does not go rancid. 

Michelle Black, design and production associate: Peach-forward wines pair well with Red Hot City. I have notes from the peachiest wine I ever tasted: Borell Diehl, Saint Laurent Rosé, Pfalz, Germany: while technically trocken (dry), definitely more medium to full bodied for a rosé. On the nose and front palette: nectarine and peach—almost peach rings or jolly rancher—something candied about it while not being sweet. Long, tangy and zippy finish but not astringent or high acid. The wine I had was a rosé from 2019 and is likely not available, but this 2021 vintage will probably be similar. 

For more expected and unexpected pairings, explore our food & wine books.