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University of California Press

UC Press Blog

3 Results

Author spotlight: Q&A with Award-winning Author, Jennifer Holland

Oct 27 2021
We're proud to share that author Jennifer Holland has won been awarded three prestigious awards from the Western History Association for her book, Tiny You: A Western History of the Anti-Abortion Movement!The book won the Armitage-Jameson Prize for best scholarly book in western women’s and gend
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An Obstetrical Las Vegas: What Colorado’s 1967 Abortion Law Tells us About 2020 America

Oct 15 2020
By Jennifer L. Holland, author of Tiny You: A Western History of the Anti-Abortion MovementThe 2020 edition of American politics is showing once again the power of a politized conservative minority —for whom legal abortion trumps all other issues. For these conservatives, abortion is murder, and
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#WHA2020: New and Notable in Western History

Oct 14 2020
We are thrilled to be publishing a number of new titles groundbreaking books in Western History. Tiny You: A Western History of the Anti-Abortion Movement by Jennifer L. Holland tells the story of one of the most successful political movements of the twentieth century: the grassroots campaign agains
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